Need Packing Advice For Going On the truck with Hubby

by Connie

I am heading out for the first time to go on a ride along with Hubby. He has been OTR for 3 years. we are going out for 2 weeks.

Any packing advice, meal ideas. etc?

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Mar 14, 2018
Personal experience
by: Kat

Make sure you bring your charger for your phone comfortable shoes and if you're going in the summer dresses are very convenient.

I went with my hubby for a week and instead of the jeans I brought. I wore sun dresses mostly.

You're going to be spending most of your time sitting so plan for that.

Mar 04, 2018
what to take ?
by: Jimmy

This will depend if you are able to load your stuff from your house to the truck and return the same way. VS. having to haul your stuff from the house to the terminal 300 mi away or fly out.

Usually figure change of clothing for 5-7 days. Laundry facilities aren't always avail. Of course bedding warm jackets shoes etc. An extra pair of glasses if you wear glasses.

Rule of thumb: Only pack what you can take on an airplane, if possible. If you break down, you may have to switch trucks. Bummer if you have tons of luggage and TV's etc.Jimmy

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