need some info about being away from wife and home

by tim
(magnolia ohio)

hi iam going to be going to school to drive truck an di have a promblem an dit is that i think iam going to miss my wife a lot and she says that we will make it but we both know how hard it going to be with me going over the road and do you have any tips to give me for not being so home sick that i give it up

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Jan 05, 2009
truckers life away from wife
by: Anonymous

Hello Tim,

Hey its good to see a guy with such passion about the misses these days without feeling that it's too soft or sensitive. I think you are already of the right mindset to make it work cause you are not afraid to show your love and I am sure you show it to her directly.

Like Jimmy said man, take with you if you can and call home a lot.

Make sure you have a phone plan that allows you 2 to speak to each other as often as you want. Most carriers offers a free unlimited to a phone with the same carrier or something similar with unlimited talk.

Another thing Tim is to record footage of your wife on DVD or either record audio to help her feel closer while your out on the road.

It will get easier after being out here for a while I am sure. Just make sure that you have a plan your working towards so that you don't end up out here forever, especially if you are just trucking to make or save money to accomplish specific goals.

Then you can get back home and chill.
By the way make sure you don't go with a company that expects you to be out 2 or 3 weeks at a time.

Like Jimmy said many of them get you home weekly now, but don't leave it to chance, find that type of company.


Jan 05, 2009
info on being away
by: mandy covert

I am not a trucker but a truckers wife. It is going to be hard on you and your wife when you leave, but she has to find the strength with in herself to make it through. I myself have three boys a 4 yr. old, a 3 yr old, and a 2 yr old. It is hard to be a single mom and a "part-time" wife. Show her that you love and care about her everyday. tell her that what she is doing at home makes you proud and helps you become a stronger man for her. If you are raiseing childeren tell her how wonderful she is doing raiseing them! Never forget that though your job is hard her's is too!!

Jan 05, 2009
away from the wifey
by: jimmy

if you are really close to your wife, it will be hard to be away for extended periods. all you can do is call home a lot and hope to get home often. weekly is now the norm, years ago it was monthly. try to take her with you if possible, even every other trip. you won't really know until you try it. believe me it's a different lifestyle.

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