Need to find online Work!

by Victoria

Trucker Wife Riding Along Working Online

Trucker Wife Riding Along Working Online

Hello, I am actually riding along with my husband OTR. It can be very interesting at times. Been on the road with him for nearly a year.

The pay is decent, but with wanting to live an a "real" home in a year or two, we need to start saving money.

I've been trying to find legit online work.

Anyone with any leads would be appreciated!

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Mar 07, 2025
This is My New Mission
by: Hervy

That’s awesome that you’re riding along OTR! 🚛 Life on the road can definitely be interesting, but it’s smart to start planning ahead for that "real" home in a year or two.

If you’re looking for legit online work you can do while traveling, check out—it’s full of ideas specifically for truckers (and their partners) to make money remotely.

One of the best options? Starting a digital marketing agency—managing social media, creating simple websites, or running Facebook/Google ads for small businesses. Many companies (including trucking businesses) need marketing help, and you can do this entirely online while riding with your husband!

It’s flexible, requires little upfront cost, and with AI tools, you can automate a lot of it. Plus, you can scale it up over time to bring in more income.

If you’d like some free resources to get started! 🚛💻🔥 is my website for help with this.

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