need training

by Tommi Baker
(Prescott Valley, AZ, USA)

I just graduated trucking school and the biggest problem I've been faced with, is the 3 years steady employment. If I had a steady job in the last 3 years, in this economy, I wouldn't be looking for a new career. I'm a 53 year old female with a 9 year old DUI. Have been self employed, barely making it the last 3 years. Looking for a stable income I can do until I retire. Hey, I still have my home and would like to keep it! Have been a passenger and know I would really like to drive. Kids are grown, can hit the road.

Any suggestions??????

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Jul 22, 2013
Keep applying.. NEW
by: Shorty "Da" Trucka

Keep applying to the bigger start up
companies. Try Werner, I hear they are pretty easy to sign on with. Not sure how good they are, but at least you'll be employed and starting to get experience... I'm a new lady trucker too. Good Luck and drive safely...:-)

Sep 05, 2010
need training
by: Dennis Shipman

This is a no brainer. If you have nothing keeping you at home, all you need do is sign up with a large trucking company as a 2nd seat driver; you can specify your gender preference for your 1st seat, or driver-trainer during orientation. Go get 'em. 10-4?

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