Need truck and trailer for cdl exam

by John
(Santa Clarita/los angeles )

I'm in Santa Clarita ca. I'm a high voltage lineman and even though I do not usually drive anything larger than a pick-up truck, my title requires that I hold a class A cdl with air brakes endorsement (manual not needed).

I had a cdl for 10years+ but dropped it when I was promoted 2 years ago. I have sensed realized that I was much happier as a lineman and went back to my hooks.

I have my cdl permit and am looking to rent a truck&trailer to take my drivers exam.and a day to practice. (The smaller and easier truck,trailer combo,the better) I don't intend to drive class A trucks. I just need the licence. I will pay you what you ask but within reason.

I'm not going to lowball you. You are doing me a favor and I will show my appreciation regardless of test outcome.

Thank you for your time.

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