Need truck and trailer

by anthony
(austin, tx)

Austin, Texas

I need a truck and trailer in order to take my CDL driving test. I thought I had the truck and trailer for my test on Wednesday but the trailer had not been inspected so I could not take my test. I have checked and I am unable to rent a truck and the nearest school is charging $700 for rental. I am willing to pay for your time and use of the vehicle but since I have no job right now the most I can pay is $200.

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Sep 01, 2019
Any Success? NEW
by: Melissa

Can you let me know if you ever found any one around $200?

Oct 27, 2017
Free training and a job Austin Tx
by: Anonymous

Labatt Foodservice in Austin has free training for drivers with only a cdl permit. This way you get training and a job at the same time.

Stevens Transport also will hire you and give you a job and free training.

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