never home on weekends

by Rachel Soliz
(Greenwood la)

He is a trucker but what a coincidence never home on weekends. I. ask myself why? He comes home during weekdays just to sleep and we probably go out to eat at a restaurant then straight home no where else to go. Is that giving me attention?

What am I suppose to say, do,please help me understand what is he up to.

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Dec 05, 2014
probably not up to much NEW
by: Anonymous

could you imagine driving during week day traffic every day/week? weekends are good for travel. road truckers are tired and need rest. very stressful job. dont always have to go to dinner. you make dinner and then ask to go out somewhere else in that time frame you guys usually go to dinner. you do the driving when he is home that helps him. you need to work around him. frustrating? yes!! you signed up for this lifestyle. if you are unable to go with the flow maybe its time to re-think this situation.

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