Never see him

by Katelyn

..I've been engaged to my fiance for a little over a year and a half. He is only home twice a month. A total of four days is all I get with him.

I've been the type of girl who's complained about it,cried about it,got angry about it, & so on. He made me realize I was being too negative.

I finally understood there's nothing.g we can do about it so instead of complaining,just deal with it. A lot of times he seems too busy for me and I use to get offended and now I tell myself to settle down and not to mention every thought that enters my brain.

It always lead to fights. Instead I want to show him how much I appreciate him and all of his hard work. I accepted the fact I will never be first in his life. As hard as it was,I swallowed my pride and ego.

Instead I try and keep myself busy and happy. Even if I have to fake happy I know its one less thing he'll have to stress over. To make a long story short, I'm trying to be positive to make him actually want to be around me and to make him miss me.

Nobody cares to be around a nagging women who feels sorry for herself. I ask myself "would you wanna come home to that?"

Instead be the person you'd wanna come home to without actually losing yourself. Hard? Yes. Impossible? Almost. But nobody ever said being with a trucker was peachy.

I still think we need a reality show called the truckers wives. God bless us all through our hard times.

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Oct 27, 2012
Lucky guys NEW
by: Anonymous

Do these guys know how lucky they are to have someone who loves them enough to stick with them through such hardship? Are we crazy to spend our lives waiting for their return and pretending to be happy? Hopefully they (truck drivers) will tire of it before we (the wives, girlfriends) do. We all know how that story ends.

Aug 24, 2012
Dear Sigh.... I am sorry for your situation NEW
by: Anonymous

I hope you can find support for your dilemma before things get out of hand you have a child to be concerned with and you don't need this.

Aug 24, 2012
Sigh NEW
by: Anonymous

I haven't seen my fiancé in 2 months. I'm planning a wedding alone. Raising our child alone. He told me he'd be home every 2 weeks. I would kill for 4 days a month with him. And I've tried the pretending to be happy, keeping myself doesn't work when he calls you up to tell you about his day. Or his family is so proud of him. I'm sIck of this life and I'm sick of being put on the back burner for some company that could give two shits about their employees.

Aug 13, 2012
Oh please not that!! NEW
by: Anonymous

NO reality show, they are not really reality at all????? We have enough garbage to deal with in this life time why mess us all up with bull??? To much negativity in those shows.

With that said, just stay as happy as you can and yes never lose sight of who you are and find positive things to do and a more positive life will come in return.

Good Luck :)

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