New at all this over the road stuff
by Courtney
With the economy the way it is my husband had no choice but to get his CDLs because that's the only job out there but what we didn't know at the time was that he was going to have to drive over the road for at least 6 months before he could get a job close to home.
So i put on my girl pants and said good-bye to him. He has been gone for almost a month and its very very hard because we have a 3 month old baby at home. My family and friends told me when he left that she wouldn't know here daddy isn't here because she is so young but she knows he isn't here.
She will just cry her little eyes out some days for no reason at all and there isn't anything you can do for her and I know that's her way of telling me she is missing her daddy.
With him being gone all the time its just like being a single parent. Its not easy by no means but I just do what I have to do for my little girl. There are some days where I just don't feel like getting out of the bed but I do because I know that little girl needs me.
People say they know what I'm going through and it will get easier but they don't know how it feels to see your best friend get on that greyhound with your heart in his hands and drive off. As far as it gettin easier, I hope it will but I doubt it.
Me and my husband have never been away from each other they whole time we have been together so this has been a real challenge for us but they sayin distance makes the heart grow fonder is so true because I have no doubt that I love my husband. This has actually brought us closer.