New CDL grad in Chicago area seeking further training & driving job

by Ken Piet
(Lombard, IL U.S.A.)

In Oct. 1986 I was arrested for a felony cocaine sale. I started a prison term in July 1987. I got into a work release program in Feb. 1988 and served out the rest of my term, getting early release in Oct. 1988. I had 2 years parole ending in Oct. 1991.
It was a stupid thing to have gotten involved in but since then I have been a model citizen with no desire to return there. We also started our family with a daughter born in 1989 and a son born in 1993.
I am almost 57 yrs. old, having finally decided to get out of the carpentry-handyman business that does not sustain me in this economy so I went to truck driver school, successfully testing on June 25, 2012.
I never thought there would be so much rejection and unforgiving in an industry crying for drivers. I feel I have suffered long enough for my felony, getting rejected by close-minded people and companies. I mean, it's been 26 years already!
If there are any open-minded forgiving companies/owners out there that will take on a new driver, please contact me at
I live in a western suburb of Chicago hoping to find a regional job. I have Class A*M with N*T endorsements so far. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Thank you.

Response: Ken, that a long time to be on the right track man. Anybody with good sense should take that into account.

That being said, it is harder to find a regional trucking job as a new driver, but they are out there. Here are a few companies that are hiring.
chicago il regional truck driving jobs

While you are driving forward, one of the things you might want to look into is seeing about getting your record expunge since that charge has been so long ago.

Keep your head up and keep knocking on doors. Talk to all of the people that you know to seek who they know also.

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Aug 09, 2012
by: Anonymous

GIVE ME A CALL, 858 568 8853

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