New Driver in Training

by Courtland
(Harrisburg, PA)

What's happening Brother! First of all i just wanted to say that I am a big fan of yours, I've been watching your videos and checking out your site for over a year now. It has really helped me and motivated me to be proactive and go out and make those changes in my life that I needed. I just graduated from trucking school out in Indiana and started my training with a company this past week. So far, I am really happy with where it has taken me and excited about where it will take me in the next year.

At first, the idea of me trucking was something that I thought of for many years and people have all kinds of opinions about it. I decided to do research and I found your videos which gave me a very real perspective about what it is like out there and definitely prepared me for what I was to expect even though I still have a ways to go as the trucking life is way out of my comfort zone.

I don't plan to do this forever, but I've gain a lot of respect for these guys that have been out here for a while doing this and will always keep an open mind to what's to come. Thank you for all that you do.

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Jan 13, 2011
Welcome to the trucking lifestyle in Pa
by: Hervy

Hello Courtland,

Glad to hear you are taking your life on to the next level man. Congratulations on graduation from trucking school too.

Sounds like you are really on a solid, exciting and rewarding journey to reaching your goals in life.

As much as I love trucking, it's not something I will be doing forever either. I feel you there.
I think you can make it work for you in the mean time as long as you plan as it seems you will be doing.

Thanks for the comments and happy trucking.


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