new driver trained the old school way

by dusty
(oxford, ny usa)

Hey there go by rustynail on the road and i am a new licensed driver. i do like the site and how informative you are about all aspects when it comes to being out on the road.

I myself have a dream one day all the drivers will come back together and really enjoy themselves when out there trailer trucking!

I fortunately am blessed to have a father to show me the way of trucking the old school way, ride 300 mile.. here's the keys son hope you was paying attention lol!

Not really everything was more hands on. I think if everyone learned that way we wouldn't have so many steering wheel holders.

I feel some useful mental knowledge while out, respect for not only fellow drivers anyone that uses that road, use proper precautions to avoid and recognize hazards i feel like a book just aint gonna give you that vision like experiencing it.

One thing my dad always told me was it doesn't matter how bad you mess up on a personal driving mistake even if composure is lost its how fast you regain it.

Punctuality, integrity, respect common courtesy. that's all i can write now gotta hit the road.

Thanks to all the drivers out there. Truck's name is spook you can follow on facebook at or spook & largecars along the way.

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Jan 07, 2019
Thank you for allowing me to see your website NEW
by: Joseph m cousin

Hi my name is Joseph I'm very interested in finding me a truck driving school I have been out of incarceration for at least six years now. I have a clean driving record and I'm looking forward to attending trucking school. I would love to make sure that my truck is running properly and everything is safe and secure before I pulled off with my loan most of all I just want to be a responsible driver. My phone number is 504*249*1395. I am a single mad and I'm ready to hit the road in truck driving I want it to be my life.

Jan 07, 2019
Thank you for allowing me to see your website NEW
by: Joseph m cousin

Hi my name is Joseph I'm very interested in finding me a truck driving school I have been out of incarceration for at least six years now. I have a clean driving record and I'm looking forward to attending trucking school. I would love to make sure that my truck is running properly and everything is safe and secure before I pulled off with my loan most of all I just want to be a responsible driver. My phone number is 504*249*1395. I am a single mad and I'm ready to hit the road in truck driving I want it to be my life.

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