New Marriage, New Job, New meaning to a trucker's WIFE

by Jennifer

I have known my husband for a little over 9 years now. When we met, he was driving locally for a distribution center. We dated for about 6 months. He moved out of state, got married, had 2 kids, and got divorced all in a matter of 8 years.

He came back to me almost a year ago in August. We just got married in December. He was driving regional flatbed for most of those months since he has come back home.

Just recently, he got an opportunity to make more money, but he was uncertain about it because he would be gone for 2-3 weeks at a time. I told him that I would support him 100% no matter what his decision was. We weighed the pro's and con's of both jobs, and he decided to take the new job.

When he was hauling regional before he would leave out either Sunday afternoon or early Monday morning, and would be back either Friday night or sometime Saturday afternoon. So it did not leave much time for us to spend time together, but we always made the best of it.

He just left to go out on the road 3 days ago, and it was the hardest day of my life. It was rough! But I know he will be home soon. We speak to each other on the phone quite a few times during the day. We usually talk in the morning, a few times during the day, and he calls me at night before he goes to bed. There is not a moment that goes by that I do not miss him. But I support him 100% in this decision that WE made!!

A trucker's wife has to be someone who is supportive of the job choice that their husband has decided to take on. I knew what I was getting into when he came back home to me almost a year ago.

We talk about every decision that is made within our family unit. He knows what is going on with the kids, and I know just about at any given time where he is and what he is doing.

Not that I am checking up on him, but it is because I am curious about his job!! I am also making sure that he is still doing ok. I know he loves me with all his heart, just as I do him!!

I would not trade in my TRUCKER'S WIFE title for ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD. I am proud of my trucker husband, and he knows it.

I guess, being a trucker's wife, you will get out of it what you are willing to put into it!! I am willing to give 100%, and so is he!!

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