New mommy with otr husband

by Anonymous new momma

My husband and I have been married 3 1/2 years and best friends for 10. I made a couple of mistakes in the past year at the beginning of his career, which he forgave and we moved on.

Now we're new parents and I've been doing it all alone in the worst part of it. The first few months are the hardest in which your figuring out the whole parenting thing.

I get no support no help not even sympathy. When I asked for help or said I needed support he flipped. He pays bills and all but no moral support or a good work every now and then....

Any advice I only see him once a month n he's not very interested in the baby yet idk what to do I'm drained.

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Jun 11, 2016
Work on how you're communicating
by: Anonymous

Are you sure he's forgiven you and moved on from the mistakes you made? How bad were these mistakes? I'm just wondering if he's still holding on to some anger and resentment. I know it is very difficult to raise a baby on your own. Before you had the baby did you ever discuss with him what your expectations are for when he's home?

If not, now would be a good time but you have to be careful in how you say it. If you come off as angry then he will get defensive and nothing will get accomplished.

Let him know how much you appreciate what he does and for supporting the family. Remind him that you miss him and love him. If you start telling him all that you appreciate the more likely it'll be that he'll tell you.

My trucker is gone for 5 weeks at a time and I'm home taking care of 2 kids myself but there's no way I could do it without his financial and emotional support.

Maybe try to get help from family once in awhile and have them watch the baby so u can get a break. Try to find some things you enjoy doing and go do them with no guilt.

A happier mom/wife makes for happier relationships all around. Take care of you so you can better take care of those around you. Also, try to make the time he's home more enjoyable.

Go out just the two of you one night, even if it's just for a few hours. Nurture your relationship. Your baby will thank you for it later on.

Good luck!

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