New to the trucking life

by rosemarie

My husband and I have been together 3 years and he's decided that he really wants to pursue OTR driving.

I'm a military kid so a transient life with someone I love being gone for long spans of time isn't new, but I'm also aware that it's a completely different thing from driving.

The location he would work out of is 4 hours from our current home and I'm still in school. I don't want to be someone who stands in his way, but I honestly can't see the bigger picture right now.

Any advice?

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Jun 03, 2018
Nashville - new cdl driver. NEW
by: Anonymous

Well, I hope he didn't choose one of those flunky companies like US Express, Werner, Schneider dry van, or a couple of others.
Schwerman Trucking in Nashville hires new cdl graduates and he can make about $65K per year there. They run coast to coast, but every time they unload somewhere, they return to Nashville empty, so lots of good home time and still get to see the country. They're paid the same empty or loaded.
Schneider Bulk (tankers), loads in Nashville and they make anywhere from $1000 - $1500 weekly and home often.
TMC (flatbed) is flatbed OTR and home on weekends. Those drivers easily make $65K+ per year.

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