New to the trucking lifestyle

by Wolf's Lady

I met James in June of 08 online. I never gave much thought to trucking or it's lifestyle. I had a job as a program assistant for a comunity out reach center. I knew I wanted more than my job had to offer and was considering looking for something else. And boy did I find the something else lol. He and I planned on me joining him on the truck in June of this yr welll in Oct of last yr while we were talking about my less than stellar boss he asked me if i wanted a job? I said yeah if it's better than this,he said work for me. I though he was kidding!He said it will pay 800.00 a month. that was only a lil under of what I was making at the time.
We talked a lot about it over the next few weeks and finally I was like yeah! I thought why not take this oppertunity to have the adventure of a life time. I knew I loved him so that wasn't an issue my son is grown and wanted to move out on his own.He advised me to make a list of the pro's and con;s. There was a lot on both sides leaving my sister who is more ;ike a twin than just younger sister and were best friends. I am also as a friend pointed out her safety net,I also had to consider leaving her girls the youngest being 4 the oldest 16. I remember what it was like to be 16 and not having someone I could donfide in but I realized Tash could call me,text email me any time and as for Lil bit she has no problem askig mommy if they can call me.
So I told my Hunney that I would join him on the road but needed time to tie everything up.I told him I couldn't before jan he said he was willing to wait and what a wait it turned out to be. We were able to spend Turkey day together and I didn't see him again untill Jan 1. So far it's been great I mean there have been up's and downs but that is life. I am learning so many new things and as long as there is something for me to learn I am happy.:) This is the first time i have lived with a man so that was a learning experience in it's self. Things keep getting better and mainly because of a very important thing he taught me COMMUNICATION is the most important thing in a relationship comming from a family that didn't do that much if at all it's a new experiance one that I am learning to enjoy more and more each day. We figure the first 6 months will be getting everything in oder and then the next 6 deciding if it's how we want it or does it need some tweeking.

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Feb 23, 2009
trucking life
by: hervy

sounds like you two are on the right track for a fun time and great relationship while trucking.

Always good to see happy couples.

Welcome to the trucking world!


Feb 22, 2009
Wolf's Lady likes truckin'
by: Jimmy

Sounds like you're having fun WL. Will you be learning to drive as well? If you've been out there since Jan 1, you have basically passed the "togetherness" test. And Winter is winding down, so good weather is just around the corner. Jimmy

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