new to this and needing advice on the trucker's wife life

by Allison
(new castle, indiana)

this was one of our family pics taken in early december we didnt know at the time but i am pregnant in this picture.

this was one of our family pics taken in early december we didnt know at the time but i am pregnant in this picture.

Well today my husband of almost 5 years left for a new job as a trucker. we are expecting our first child in 6 weeks and there has not been a day that we have not been together since we started dating 6 years ago.

I love this man with all my heart and i know he loves me, i just hate being alone. I am a family person only problem is my mom moved a few months ago 7 hours away and my real father is too addicted to drugs and alcohol to stay out of jail.

My husband has worked with the state highway for 8 years and i knew in the winter that he would be gone when it was snowing but always came back home after a 12-16 hour shift but this is gonna be different.

It was hard on me to watch him pull out of the drive this morning not really knowing when he would be back home.

Any advice yall would have for me would be great.

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Jul 11, 2012
New job & New baby! NEW
by: Mamapie

Wow you got a double whammy huh? :) No worries though, it will be difficult at times but finding a support system ( like neighbors, church, or this forum!) will certainly help.

I'm sure if you're husband could have waited until after the baby came to start his new job he would have, but in today's economy you have to do what you have to do. So that leaves you to welcome baby :). I think the key to handling this trucking lifestyle is COMMUNICATION. Stay in touch with each other constantly, and make sure you make him part of the process when the baby arrives....since so many new daddies are in the military these days, technology has stepped up its game to make that possible. :)

One last bit of advice, remember he's missing you as much as you're missing stay strong and positive when you speak to him....nothing makes a truckers job harder than knowing his wife is crying and lonely at home.

Congrats!!! And stay in touch ... You have some real supportive folks on this forum. Feel free to email me anytime also at

Jul 10, 2012
With time things get a little easier NEW
by: Anonymous

It depends on how you deal with your husband being away. You are pregnant and there might be a possibility he will not be there when your child is born? This will be hard and will hurt. But the biggest of your worries right now is finding your way to the hospital when its time for delivery. It might have been better for him to wait to start this type of job so late in your pregnancy?? So here is what your dealing with and (since your family is so far away) will be the reason to make sure you have some ties to the community because these will be the people you will have to depend on when your husband is away. If you take the right steps to ensure your sanity through this "sometimes" sad and lonely lifestyle you will definitely need outside help. There will be many times when you will have happiness and these will be the memories you will hold onto while your husband is away, they help. Don't ever feel alone in this as there are many women who have husbands who's jobs take them far away from home and for days on end. They seem to make this work for them and you can too!
Wishing you luck and congratulations when the baby arrives! :)

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