New to this and wondering if anybody else worries when they don't hear anything from their otr spouse

Me and my fiance have been together over 2 years. We have been inseparable since the day we met. Literally we both get beyond sick when we are apart.

He talked about his cdl for over a year now and we both agreed that he would stay local. But without any experience of course nobody would hire him. He just got his cdl about 3 months ago and he was ecstatic. He went OTR once before but not as a driver just as a passenger. He was gone for 11 days. The worst ever. Without a reliable phone ns a way for us to get in contact was a horror.

Now he got a job offer which is great and he's been gone since Tuesday. I've been calling nd texting and get no response. I'm not afraid of him cheating because honestly that's just not his style at all an when we are together the sex is amazing. However I do have these other thoughts like accidents or truck breaking down etc etc.

I track all of his runs meaning when he tells me where he's going and from I Google map it to see how much time it'll take. Right now he should've been at his destination and he would usually shoot me a quick text but I have heard nothing. I'm really worried wondering if something bad happened.

Is there any way of knowing for sure??? Do any of you feel this way and how do you cope??? I can't even sleep I'm so worried.

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Jul 30, 2015
try not to worry
by: Anonymous

Don't drive yourself crazy. It does you no good. Yes it would worry me if I had not heard from him as we are the type to text and talk throughout the day. You have every right to be concerned. I could think of some reasons why maybe he hasn't text or call.

Maybe he forgot his charger. Maybe he is in the woods where there is bad reception. Check your phone bill to see if your texts even went through. Maybe he didn't get them.

Then here's the worst one check his phone bill to see if calls are being made to his phone and they have minutes talking to these other numbers...

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