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by Chrissy
(Reading, Pa)

My boyfriend (Moe) and Me

My boyfriend (Moe) and Me

I am the girlfriend of a wonderful man and father. In Nov. my boyfriend decided to go OTR but he hasn't driven in a while so he got a job with CR England and he has been gone since.

He comes home next week for the first time. Before he left we talked about him going OTR and I didn't think it would be so hard but the holiday's have been the worst for me. I'm getting used to him not being here and the kids miss him but they are to young to really understand.

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Feb 22, 2011
A word of advice from another wife
by: Mrs. 6916

It's never easy to let him go but every Sunday evening I let my husband of 2 years climb back behind the wheel and head out for another week. I have learned that it's just as hard for him to leave as it is for me to see him go. The main words of advice that I can pass along is remember not to slap him in the face with all the household problems as soon as he walks in the door! It's really hard to do sometimes, we have a 21 year old and a 9 year old, who has cerebral paulsy. So with all that goes on during the week it's hard not to put that on him as soon as I see him but I've learned that it's best,usually, to let him come in and enjoy the night then do breakfest and then talk about that stuff. Love him and trust him because they are precious. AND REMEMBER, THE ONLY THING TOUGHER THAN A TRUCKER IS HIS LADY!!!!!!!!

Jan 03, 2011
it is what you man
by: tinytoez

My husband drove when we first got married 20 yrs ago, after 5 yrs of marriage we decided I needed him home, so he became a correctional officer. He hated it, but I was to blind to see it, but I did see our marriage becoming something on paper only. Last year he went back on the road, after 15 yrs off, and he is the man I married again.
I cry everytime he leaves, but we talk on the phone, I work with him on routing and directions,I am his gps, and when he gets home (sometimes after 10 or 12 weeks out)...well, let's just say newly weds have nothing on us old farts! But it is all cause we communicate, nothing is hidden, we tell each other everything.
It never gets easy, just easier to bear!

Jan 03, 2011
by: Anonymous

I have been a girlfriend and now a wife and i have had alot of downfall and trust isues and believe me my trucker is not the same as he was befor driving,But Im not telling you to knock your driver but just watch out my driver used to come home every week now its twice a month and lie about money his cell phone and his where abouts so keep ur head up girl

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