New truck or Used truck?

by Matt
(Lexington, Ky.)

I own a 2009 Volvo 780, Cummins isx 500hp, Auto shift 10 speed, 651k. The truck is in great shape with no problems. I started flat bedding and I think the truck is too heavy and the Autoshift is not great for what I am doing.

Should I find a newer used truck, raised roof sleeper, 10 or 13 manual or go all in on a new truck with a warranty or keep what I have? Any advice will help.

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Dec 28, 2012
Thanks NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks, Think I will keep the truck I'm running now and enjoy it. Be safe.

Dec 27, 2012
buying new or used or keeping your truck
by: Hervy

Matt,if there was anyway possible I would say keep you truck at only 651,000 and no problems.

However, if it is too heavy for what you are doing and what you are doing pays you considerably more than what you could be doing without the extra weight, it might make sense to get a lighter truck.

However, if what you are doing DOES NOT pay anymore than doing other type of work with your truck, why go into debt to buy another truck, put extra wear and tear on that truck and not make anymore money at the end of the day?

So think about that.

Also, you said, "I think the truck is to heavy". You need to determine is it too heavy or not for sure.

Easy enough, compare the weight against other trucks that fellow drivers are using successfully and the trucks that you are interested in getting.

New or used. I would only buy new if you were rolling in dough OR have worked in the place long enough that you are very confident in the stability and revenue that you will generate.

I mean buying used is obviously a gamble too. Thats why I just wish you could keep what you have and stack dough.

If you already have a good stash saved and a nest egg, it's no big deal as long as you are confident in the revenue. New or used would be based on personal preference.

If you have little money saved, my advice would be to skip the flash and get the most truck you can for the money. The uglier the better, lol.

Just saying...the way you will get a good deal is to buy something that others don't want. Either because it is ugly or poor quality. You can make money with ugly (I am exaggerating, colors like yellow or mix match paint for example) and a good unit. You can't make money with pretty, poorly running truck.

Also which brands provide more truck for the buck? In my opinion freightliner and International.

Best wishes

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