New Trucker, a video
Dear Crazy Trucker,
I really enjoy your website, the information has been very helpful and entertaining, you have your own style and individualism. I would like to ask you why in one of your videos on Youtube that you said "marijuana was a gateway drug".
This is the same propaganda that the mainstream media uses to keep a substance that has been around for thousands of years and was put here along with every other living thing. The studies are conclusive about the medical effects on cancer, glaucoma, AIDS etc. the list is too long for this email.
I am not endorsing the use of any drug especially if your a Trucker but I don't feel that we should let the media, pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry and the US Government tell sick people that they cannot grow or purchase their medicine.
Statistically more than 91% of adults said they used alcohol first not marijuana. With statistics like that do you think the alcohol industry would want anyone to think another product that could be grown in your backyard was better for you and virtually non addictive.
I really wish you would take the time to investigate this subject so you can make an honest decision based on facts instead of the biased opinion the main stream media put forward about this subject.
I hope you do not take my comment as anything more than just an opinion based on the facts I have researched, nothing personal. Look forward to more videos and blog post. Have a great day Crazy Trucker!
P.S. What do you think or have heard about WSE Transport.