new trucker wife and porn


I'm a new wife to a trucker. Well in general him and I both are new to this scene. He started driving in February. We just had our first baby on June 21.

Our relationship was pretty awesome until I found out that he went back to looking at porn. I highly despise porn because not only do I find it unattractive but because it makes me feel like I'm not good enough for him anymore.

I understand that id rather him look at it instead of cheating. But will one lead to another?

Now I do try send him pics of me when I can but he says he can only look at the same pics for so long. When he is home I'm not neglected from his attention but now I feel like its not going to be the same. Now I'm going to wonder if he is thinking of those pictures instead of me?

Seeing as I don't look like one of those girls. Says he only looks at it once or twice a week and that he thinks of me when he looks but how? He says he loves me and I'm the only one in his life but how do I move on and go back to the way things were?

I need help please...

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Apr 23, 2018
Porn NEW
by: Anonymous

I was also surprised my husband was watching porn while over the road because prior to this I had never seen this on his history. He has stopped viewing ever since I called him out on this. At first I felt unattractive but then I realized it's a guy thing and he gets lonely over the road. However, I still don't want him to watch, mainly because of what it can lead to, the pop-up girls inviting him to cam shows, etc. Today's digital porn can lead to much much more and for that reason I'd rather my husband abstain.

Apr 14, 2016
truckers wife n porn NEW
by: Anonymous

Im in your shoes as well..dont worry its not about hard enough they out on road for wks..its stressfull n tireing.they feel lonely and they get horny..thank God thats all hes least he told you..just like mine did.he was honest n assured me of his love.when hes home its great sex. I myself watch porn cuz i get in the mood too..its fake fantasy. They cant replace you!. Its just something to help you get off.if he pays you total attention when hes with you? Theres nothing to worry.. Trust me, took me a while to understand it. I rather him do porn than cheat.. Best of luck

Sep 09, 2014
total bull NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm so tired of some of you married women just excusing this crap! No.. its not OK for a married man to watch porn! Its just discusting.. I've had the same problem with my husband..and I'm a freak in the bedroom. Why watch it when you can just do it? It makes me feel like he needs other women in his head to get off.. and further more..I resent it and have have thoughts of just going out and having my own fun..which would be wrong..but hey..I feel cheated..and I want revenge.. every time I catch em watching it. And of course..he always lies about it. Does anyone else feel like this. I just hate it.

Dec 02, 2012
sry NEW
by: Anonymous

i thought i could let mine watch porn and be ok about it turns out hes on dating sites hes even met up with one i know for sure i thought i could forgive and foget but i cant hes started the porn a lot ive explained ove and over how it makes me feel emotionally and now i seen on his phone hes on a dating site again beware!!! if i havent got in to deep financially with him i would have left long ago. leave while you still can

Oct 17, 2012
Love, sex and porn NEW
by: Faithful Driver, husband and father

When you talk about your husband watching porn I've noticed you really only talk about how it makes you feel. Men are visual creatures. We can't just cook up some steamy sexual goodness in our minds to masturbate to. We need something to look at. So he's beating off when he's OTR, embrace it! Because if he's happy satisfying himself without cheating, you have a good man. If you ask me, you should go to an adult store and grab him some toys for when he is out there alone. To show him that you're happy that he is handling his sexual urges appropriately. And try Skype and mutual masturbation. Its a little awkward at first but you will feel closer to him and he'll be watching you instead of porn. Best of luck.

Aug 27, 2012
keep every thing as open as possile NEW
by: Anonymous

sorry this is is going to be long..i kno exactly how u feel.. me and my husband have been married for 6 years and we actually met over the internet and were 2 states away i was in collage at the time so i could not leave to be with him till 5 months after we had decided to make our lil talks a relationship.. to get threw it all we decided to share everything.. when he was inthe mood we would sit down and watch the same thing.. i am i like u i tinkit is nasty and gives a horribla eimage of wemon.. but there are some very nice sensual ones out there u just have to look around.. it worked for us.. now 6 years latter he is on the road truking for 2 weeks at a time and only home for 3 days if i am lucky.. the kicker is we have 2 kids a 10 mnth and a 3 yr old.. so the time hes home is very important to them.. we talk on the phone when hes out on the road and pick a movie to watch (togeather) and talk about what we liekd didnt like.. then when he home. we try to explore the things we liked aboout what we saw.. all i can say is just give it some time annd if u might try to explore it might work out in ur favor.. guys are alwaysgunna be guys we cant stop them form being them but may be try to help encouge them in what we like be thankful he told u.. thats a strong sign.. bes to of luck and hope it works out.

Aug 27, 2012
keep every thing as open as possile NEW
by: Anonymous

sorry this is is going to be long..i kno exactly how u feel.. me and my husband have been married for 6 years and we actually met over the internet and were 2 states away i was in collage at the time so i could not leave to be with him till 5 months after we had decided to make our lil talks a relationship.. to get threw it all we decided to share everything.. when he was inthe mood we would sit down and watch the same thing.. i am i like u i tinkit is nasty and gives a horribla eimage of wemon.. but there are some very nice sensual ones out there u just have to look around.. it worked for us.. now 6 years latter he is on the road truking for 2 weeks at a time and only home for 3 days if i am lucky.. the kicker is we have 2 kids a 10 mnth and a 3 yr old.. so the time hes home is very important to them.. we talk on the phone when hes out on the road and pick a movie to watch (togeather) and talk about what we liekd didnt like.. then when he home. we try to explore the things we liked aboout what we saw.. all i can say is just give it some time annd if u might try to explore it might work out in ur favor.. guys are alwaysgunna be guys we cant stop them form being them but may be try to help encouge them in what we like be thankful he told u.. thats a strong sign.. bes to of luck and hope it works out.

Jul 27, 2012
Synchronized NEW
by: Anonymous

Porn, while at first made me feel unattractive to my fiancé, has now added a spice to our relationship. Set up a time to watch the same video as him on the phone.... Don't get upset because he's watching porn, though it makes you feel unattractive, spin it in a different way.

Jul 27, 2012
a thought NEW
by: Anonymous

pray about everything

Jul 27, 2012
Please get help!! NEW
by: Anonymous

this all I can say.

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