New way of life and lots of changes

by truckers love
(South Carolina)

Well I will be the first to say lots of love to any woman sitting at home holding the home front.It always sounded easy in the beginning only 12 months then all will be ok.

After a yr past I came to see it was just the beginning. We began 7 yrs ago and in out small town that's the jobs is behind the wheel of a semi :) so we tried to look at it long term get some exp Otr and then come local.

It's now been over 3 yrs and with only a visit once a month or even worse once every other month for 3 days it's hard. With kids at home a lot of times I feel like a single parent .

Truckers wife defined (( mother friend weather forecaster traffic locater nurse home repairer car mechanic and the list just keeps going)) I have found there is not any help for those of us at home waiting for our men to return.

Wishing for another wife, girlfriend of a trucker to just speak with and understand to spend time with to enjoy knowing that there are others out there that really do know the feeling the groups for us the truckers lady is few and far between.

Stay strong and always remember the lady of the road might have him but his heart is with u :) if there is any ladies from sc leave a comment lets start working toward a better way :) there isn't enough of us sticking together let's get stronger.

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Mar 25, 2014
Adjusting to the Trucking Lifestyle NEW
by: Hervy

Sounds like you two are working it out in victory!

All of you trucking wives deserve to be acknowledged for the way you transform your lives and take care of business. There is not doubt about it, a trucker in a relationship with a partner at home who is non supportive and constantly complaining will not get the full benefits of trucking.

In fact it could be difficult to even bring home a decent salary if the driver has to try and micro-manage home from the road.

Here are some insights and information that might help you to continue the progress that you are already making in the relationship.

Tips for Truckers and Wives Living the Trucking Lifestyle

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