new women truckers

by peggy burke
(wellston ohio /usa)

hi my name is peggy burke i also took truck driving academy but have not yet finished the last part which is going to take the test at dmv anyways my question is what should us women new to trucking beware of out there i have heard lots of stories about getting sent out to be trained with the male truckers and none of it was good any advice for us women ? and i seem to get alot of stares when i get out of the truck at when out driving with truck driving academy trainers or when im driving down the road.

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Jun 24, 2009
Wait a minute
by: Nick V

Now wait a minute fellas before we go ahead with all this not all guys are bad talk, lets get a picture. Dont tell me if Carmen Electra came drivin into the pilot for the night that she wouldnt be able to use the backs of 150 truckers to walk on all the way to the showers. HAHA Just kiddin. Hey you go girl, congratulations on your new career and I am sure you will enjoy it. Like Jimmy said, driving a truck down the highway is no different in a 4 wheeler, if you want the attention you will get it. Now of course your gonna get your stares and cat calls but im sure you have got it on the street in your car driving past a construction site so thats life. There are pigs every where and the trucking industry is definetly no different. Hang in there, kick some butt, and be careful out there. The hard part is over.

Jun 20, 2009
Peggy is concerned.
by: Jimmy

Yes, you get some stares when you climb down from the truck. But you also get some stares when you go out to dine or when you walk through the office at work,right?

In the trucking business, you will get a lot of stories, a lot of BS, a lot of poor advice. Don't pay any attention. I say that because YOU are unique. All the crapola you hear about doesn't apply to you. You can't live your life via "what if's" and "I heard such and such". Peggy from Ohio is a person that is going to succeed in the trucking business. She is not going to waste her time listening to stories that will discourage her. She has made up her mind and she will venture forth. She has maturity in life to deal with other people, be it trainers, office personnel, police agencys etc. Shw will not cower down or slouch down. She will conduct herself as a women in this big old world. Yes, she will come across some real jerks out there, but she will NOT let those people ruin her day. Am I making sense? Jimmy

Jun 19, 2009
Women truckers and trainers
by: Hervy

Hello Peggy,

I am sure you have heard some stories, but I don't see how those stories can be the norm.

Think about it, how many trucking companies want to have to deal with PR about their trainers mistreat women. In today's climate (everyone wanting to sue, etc) if their was serious problems with women and trainers then you would hear about it easily in places other than the internet and a person's persons complaints. Those complaints may be a little exaggerated. Don't know for sure of course but I just don't see me as a company owner or manager having trainers treating women so badly.

Having said that, I have absolutely no doubt that there will be staring and extra attention from truckers or even 4wheelers when a woman gets out the truck. That's just something your going to face. Especially the more attractive the more attention because the less expected it is. Right or wrong I am sure this will be the case.

Also I am sure there are some trainers who be inappropriate in their comments and borderline harassment.

Well that type of stuff you can mostly eliminate by presenting yourself a certain way from the very first meeting. You shouldn't be mean or hateful just direct and tactful, explaining you are a happily married lady who expects to be treated with respect and professionally. You are not there for any reason other than learn to become a driver.

Also many companies will get a female to train you.

After training and when you get by yourself you will get harasses on the CB radio. You will also get a lot of flattering attention. Don't take anything negative personal because, it's just a few clowns hiding behind a mike who don't think much of themselves so they find someone else to take it out on.

You will be fine.

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