newbe wanting another chance


went to co wennt through orentation went out over road for a week, things came up and had to go home my choice,was exspost to stay out for 3 week training then up grade to solo driver. wondering do you think they would let me come back and finish training????????

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Feb 04, 2009
Becky wants to know.
by: Jimmy

Hello Becky, Jimmy here. How was your week in training? Hervy pretty much answered your question. Just call the company and see what they say.

But I gotta tell you, taking that week off sends a message to the company. And the message isn't good. Was the reason a good one? Companies have heard every reason known to mankind as to why a driver needs to go home right now. Did you make a good impression while you were there?

You must admit it doesn't fare too well when you hire on and then almost immediately have to take time off. Is a trucking company in the business of transportation or in the business of coddling drivers? Did you run for a week and have second thoughts? Keep in touch. Jimmy

Feb 04, 2009
Second chance to become a truck driver
by: Hervy

Well there is only one way to find out for sure Becky, that will be to call the company and see.

It's hard to say what they would say, depends on if the company still needs drivers or not. If you communicated with them about your having to leave then they shouldn't really have negative feelings about giving you another chance.

Unless your reason was one that is related to an ongoing situation that would make it likely that you would have to keep taking unexpected time off the same way in the future.

Give them a call and if they no longer need drivers, call around until you get your second chance to become a trucker.

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