newbee wanting to learn from veteran trucker wives

by vicky
(los angeles ca )

Well I am so willing to here from any veterans of truckers wives ... I'm a newbee not a wife yet but hopefully one day will Iget that title .. I been by my trucker bf side for a lil over a year now I keep myself busy working ..

trying to get use to his occasional grouchiness and when he's home all he does is sleep so I wondering if this behavior is normal... I would love to hear from u veteran truck

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Nov 09, 2012
thanks NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the comments girls... I didn't realize how hard driving actually is I had the chance to go on the road with him and really see what he does...

Oh man ..I couldn't do it .. I realize why his back hurts his yes burn the grouchness.. since then I have tried to make his stay home a lot more comfortable ... I actually let him get his rest now .. I have a new understand and a big reality check bout his job and the truck stop lol ... nothing of what I expected... some days are a lil tough when's he's not here but I'm sure we have this days right ladies ...

Btw what other things can I pack in his duffle bag for the cold nights ... and h ave any of your trucker hobbies have the seat cushion that is a back message as well I was thinking of buying that for one of his Xmas gift want to know if it's worth the 200 bucks

Oct 25, 2012
It is normal NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband has been OTR truck driver for over 6 years and when ever he gets home all he wants to do is sleep. Out on the road his schedule for sleeping and eating gets so messed up because of when his load needs to be delivered. Sometimes he has loads that deliver early in the morning and is sometimes driving all night long. He takes his 10 hour breaks like he's suppose to but still he doesn't always sleep that great. Truck drivers have a very exhausting job.

Sep 06, 2012
Yep its hard NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes driving takes a lot out of a person. I remember fighting traffic in L.A. and O.C. counties when I had a courier service, all I wanted to do was sleep till it was time to go back to work!! eeegggaaahhh....can you imagine going from Cali to Georgia every trucker has been doing this for 25 years....oh heck yeah he is tired and he deserves every sleeping minute! :) But he and I know when he is over sleeping and we have that worked out so this doesn't happen...after 8 hours its up, eat, and go, bowling, swimming, some type of exercise at least for 2 hours and if he wants to nap again okay cool....but nap, not another 8 hours. We have t.v. programs that are a must we both watch so we agree no matter what, after a nap he is to watch them....we have football to watch so we must keep him up for that just becomes a way of life.

Is it normal...I don't know the definition of normal?? In other words it is what is our normal for us and you can have what is normal for you.

Who cares what other people think is normal is they don't know what that term means either so la ti dah! lol

Good Luck and God Bless! :)

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