Newlywed Trucker's Wife

by Shay
(Perryville, MO)

My hubby only stays gone 7-10 days. Im previously married and divorced and was honestly good at being single. So I have the best of both worlds.

Miss him when he's gone, but cell phones are invaluable and he is right there whenever I need him. I used to sugar coat problems when he was on the road but then he just had to deal with reality when he got home.

So now, if something is wrong... I let it rip. He sends me pics of the country and himself blowing me kisses. And makes sure I know he misses me.

He brings me surprises home like jewelry from the Indian reservation or a wine from the west coast and I make sure the house looks good and supper is at least in the fridge when he's home.

He's great and the arrangement works for us. :)


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Oct 26, 2013
Time NEW
by: Anonymous

Give it time. It gets easier the longer you're at it. Hang in there. If you love the man, you've got to love the profession.

Aug 07, 2012
Life is Great NEW
by: DaMizzuz

I am a newlywed , And had been previously married as well to a Loser...
I do feel that i have the best of both worlds. However I am such homebody, but a busy one.
I feel like in a way, We are missing out on so much as a newlywed couple that it often leaves me wondering why we even are a couple.
I can truely say with my second husband that im married too, I love him very much, I really wouldnt want to be with anybody else I just want him around more. Even though i love my space.

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