Nickole Visan

by NIckole
(Lewes, Delware USA)

My name is Nickole and I have been married to my husband for almost 3 years now. He currently works as a Certified Massage Therapist and recently encountered a friend that drive long distance.

For some reason he see's this as his only way out financially. I am not so sure. Why long distance? Why would you choose to away from your family and friends weeks and months at a time? Missing birthday's, holiday's, anniversaries and so much more.

Is it really worth all that your passing up?

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Feb 01, 2012
Lewes Delaware Website
by: Hervy

Hello Nickole,

You have already gotten some good advice and insight from everyone. I especially like Rikki's but all responses so far had some good info and valid points. (even some of the one's that I would rather not be true)

In one response it mentioned getting fat, wasting away, etc. Obviously you can avoid this. Especially now after being alerted to the potential.

On being called "no lifeasatrucker" Lol that. People who do nothing but drive, sleep, etc...they choose to do that man. You are experiencing an example of what a driver could do. I created this website in my downtime. I read, I listened to educational material, I learned about new things. Any driver can do the same thing as I did.

About not making much money when adjusting down to the hourly wage, well it's true but, who says you have to stick to the entry level dry van job. He could step up to hauling furniture or household which pays a little more and includes some exercise.

Or he could opt for heavy hauling for the much bigger dollars.

Then he could also study something else while trucking to make himself more marketable at home. Maybe add on to his current qualifications.

As far as going over the road. If money (bills) are an issue, going over the road will pay a lot more than local.

Another thought I had was, what if you took it upon yourself to start marketing his massage therapy practice. Make some flyers or business cards and network with local gyms. I see that you are located on the beach. If there are resort hotels maybe you could strike a promotion deal there.

In any case, it seems that this should not be the final chapter. If you are unhappy, first I hope that he is aware. Second you two should have a goal of changing your future in a specific amount of time and develop plans in order to make it happen.

Here are some thoughts for making extra money if the entire reason behind this is the money.

Make extra money trucking or at home

Feb 01, 2012
Working locally will break his back, Truckers think they make great money , all an Illusion
by: Anonymous

Most of the locals jobs don't pay good comparing to over the road, and he will have do a lot of lifting breaking his back,

He might not feel it today but his body will suffer , is not like going to the Gym, talking to him is not gonna solve anything because he still will be away from you.

A friend of mine just divorced from his wife , he is a trucker, and they were married for 3 years just like you, but if you run the numbers they stay together 144 days on this 36 month period, 4 days off for 30 days on the road,the website should be called " No lifeasatrucker " ,

With all the respect to the publisher the quality of life out here is terrible , all you do is sit, drive, get fat and sleep, no social life, no equilibrium, and money is not great , I tell you why. Lets say a driver makes 50 k a year after taxes ( I doubt It )

You get 50k divided by 12 equals $4166
You get $4166 divided 4 equal $1041
You get $1041 divided by 70 hours a week equals $14.87
$14.87 ( without overtime !!! Remember that) might be good if you have a high school diploma or you struggled for several months looking a job, but If you have a college degree and there is demand for your career just forget trucking.

Jan 31, 2012
Opinons are like .....
by: Rikki a/k/a MsGremlin


Wow, I was blown away by the male driver that offered the opinion that maybe it's you. Please don't listen to that crap. Because that's exactly what it is...crap. There is no way anyone would become a driver based solely on having an issue with a spouse.

Becoming a driver is an individual decision. Only your husband can tell you the reasons why he is considering this change in employment. He may very well be thinking that he might make more money driving. That's the mentality of a good portion of folks when they start out.

Most don't realize how much it costs to live on the road though and they spend way to much money on food, laundry, daily needs, (ie: shampoo, soap, etc, etc), entertainment, lumpers, log books (if not provided by the company). The list of "needs" and "wants" when your living on the road can be endless. And unless your careful, you will spend more than you make.

However, on the flip side. If you watch your spending, there is money to be made. But the first rule of thumb is "As Long As You Truck Is Moving Your Making Money". When you stop, you lose money.

If you know anyone that drives for a living both of you should see if you might be able to tag along for a bit. The are both advantages and disadvantages to being a driver but the only way to find out if your husband thinks he can do it is to try it.

As far as him being away. It takes a special kind of person for the spouse of a driver to understand and be able to live that kind of life. Loneliness, and trust are key issues in many driver marriages. But there are many married folks that are around each other every day and still find themselves lonely.

You need to sit down with your husband and talk to him. Ask him the questions you need answers for and search within yourself to see if you could accept that kind of life. Ask him to ask himself the same questions of him that you are asking. For both of you, be honest with each other and discuss all of your questions and answers, fears, confusion and frustrations.

If his mind is made up and you decide to support him, then discuss each of your expectations. He wants to do this for financial reasons then set some goals. If you want him home more than an coast to coast driver then ask him to get a regional driving job. Or check out local driving. Some locals can and do make as much if not more then OTR drivers. Granted, not right away but it can be done. And they are home every night.

Deliveries from warehouses to convenience stores or rock/stone quarries, or even hauling trash (not the kind that picks up from your home), can pay very well.

There are hundreds of different kinds of driving jobs out there. Ask him if he would be willing to look some that will satisfy both your needs and choose from there.

The most important part of all is to talk to each other and work it out where both of you will be happy.


Jan 30, 2012
Well ,maybe if you work for a good company
by: Anonymous

It depends on his background or upbringing If he works for a good company , nowadays to make money out here you have to make the truck your house and live In survival mode to save money and try to achieve something greater than driving a truck,

In my case I cannot stand a 9 to 5 job, same routine, same route , same people , same salary, same building , same everything, it is like watching the same movie story everyday, there's nothing new, no excitement, everything is so predictable and boring,

Maybe he is tired of this routine , let's be honest the only time that a 9 to 5 job is interesting is when the element of love does exist. Like everything else in life if you really love, time goes by softly and everything is magical, and the other reason he wants to be away it may be you.

Maybe you are controlling him too much ( My Opinion as a man),
Ask him if he would consider part time driving or to be more exact alternate with another driver , he works one month and then stays one month a home and the other person takes over, that's what I plan to do but I want to stay like 2 months on 2 months off but you have to work for a company that gives you a lot work, good luck to you.

Jan 30, 2012
trucking is so not worth it!
by: Anonymous

I have been with my husband for three years now and he has been driving for two. He also thought this would help us financially but boy was he wrong.

There has been many weeks that he has been gone 9 or 10 days and only ends up with a $600 check so not worth that. He does have a few good weeks but they are not often. I'm sure that every trucking co. is different but the economy has went to crap and it has effected the trucking industry as well.

His job not only effects our bank account but our marriage as well. We use to have a great marriage but since he has been driving it has gone down hill fast. we have lost so much time that we have lost the ability to communicate and do nothing but fight. Its like i am single.

I would rather be poor and have my husband back. I hope it works out for you both.

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