No experience felon looking for work?

by Todd Johnson
(Hickory,North Carolina)

I went to CDL school and graduated but can't find a company to hire me because of the felony and no experience, do you know of a answer to my questions?

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Sep 30, 2009
Getting experience as a trucker
by: Hervy


has a pretty good suggestion man, if nothing else call around to other non-profits too that collect stuff which needs to be hauled but don't need regular drivers and see if the can use your services, free if you have too. (I know you still need to make bread)

Just to put that trucking experience on your resume.
You can get a list of organizations from your local chamber of commerce and they will list all the volunteer or non-profits in your area.

Work there when you are free from what ever paying work you find if its not driving truck.

Sep 27, 2009
Trucking Jobs for Felons with No Experience
by: Hervy

Man, as you know things are exactly booming but they are picking up. You might want to try checking some of the companies that pop up on the Trucking Jobs for Felons page. And try advice from that page.

Your just going to have to make a bunch of phone calls and tell them what you got and see what they say.

I did get 1 lead but I still got to get the number because the guy didn't have it, will get back with ya.

Trucking Jobs for Felons

Sep 04, 2009
Start at a small trucking company to get truck driving experience
by: Anonymous

Start small with a co like the salvation army or good will then may get you the experience that you need.

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