No money for trucking school

by Andy

What's the best company to work for with no experiance? So far I heard Swift is the best and England is the worst. If you could do it all over how would you start out?

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Oct 15, 2008
by: Jennifer Schnittker

I read your blog, and Just going through this ourselves, We were looking at the same thing.

Fortunately for us, my husband had a serious injury a few years back--falling off a 1 story building and shattering his calcaneus into 9 pieces (this being your heel bone)which required a titanium plate, and 9 screws being put into his heel. We were able to go to the Office of Occupational Rehabilitation (5 years after the fact--so even a 15 year ago injury can help you), and have 100% of my husbands schooling paid. This being his tuition, books, and even a few extra dollars for supplies that were needed, as well as his CDL test, and licensing. I am not sure if you qualify for anything like this--almost any type of injury that will effect your ability to perform the job You were doing. Such as this: My husband was a roofer, and due to the damage to his foot and leg ( disability of 15% of his lower body function, and 7% over all disability to his entire body) He was unable to continue to perform that occupation. So he qualified for the rehabilitation of his occupation.

Also, something to consider. Truck driving schools such as Swift, England, ect, all have an agreement, that if they get you your CDL You must work for them for a certain amount of time (usually 1 year). I also understand (but am not 100% sure) that a certain $$ amount for your training during that time is taken out of your pay. If you leave before that time, you will be required to pay them back for the schooling. So when making your decision, definitely consider what Crazy has said, and what will "fit" you best.

Also look into your local schools--I realize you do not have the money up front, but some will be willing to work with you on payment arrangements.

The best decision that can be made, is the most informed.

Good luck

Oct 13, 2008
The best company to work for is . . .
by: The Crazy Trucker

who knows!

What's up Andy,

The best company really depends on what you need the most from the company.

One person's biggest need may be excellent cheap insurance with only moderate pay with no concern for home time.

Another person's biggest need may be high pay with little need for insurance benefit. He could be a vet who needs no insurance at all. He might need to be home every weekend because of family reasons.

So you are doing the right thing by asking questions Andy because recommendations if the safest bet on trying a company but you have to ask question about the things you need from a company to do your proper analysis.

Now, generally speaking I like swift. I worked there for a year, BUT I was an owner operator so that might be a little different. However, I have also talked to more drivers that like Swift than disliked it.

I have heard drivers complain about England but I never really conversed with a driver about England just overheard the complaints.

I have talked to some Schneider drivers who like it there.

There are some more recommended companies on the driver recommended page but they all require experience of one year. Roehl, and Maverick.

The quickest way to get the most info you would need is to visit the nearest truck stop and ask drivers about the things you need in a company whether it insurance, home time, money, etc.

Come again.

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