Not a wife, Not a girlfriend, but a trucker

by Kourtney Marie
(The Open Road USA)

I come from a family of truckers my Dad, grandad And all five older brothers.. When I was born my dad started his own trucking company where we lived in North Carolina my dad says from the moment I could talk he knew I'd be a trucker and I knew since the day I turned 5 years old I told my dad on my 5th birthday that I wanted to be just like him a long haul trucker. my mom didnt like that idea but I didnt care it's what I wanted..

My mom died of cancer one year later and I basically didnt have anyone except my brothers and dad but they were gone days or even months.. My oldest brother Kole decided that he would take me with him so that's what we did. I packed all my stuff from our house and went with him.

We saw my dad and other brothers passing by or sometimes we would even run into eachother at different truck stops my aunt and uncle ran the company from home In charlotte at the time..

When I was 10 my dad was injured out on the road and couldent drive anymore so he went back home and ran the company and I went back with him for the next 6 years I learned how to run the company and take care of the trucks

I went to school and did good but all I ever wanted to do was drive.. On my 18th birthday I started the process of getting my trucking liscence by 19 I was ready to drive but the only thing that stood I'm the way was not having a truck so for Christmas my dad got me my first peterbilt and I was ready to take on the road and follow in my families footsteps..

My dad was eventually able to drive again and he was back on the road the day he got the okay.

When I was 22 I met my first boyfriend he had gotten me pregnant one of the days I was home then two weeks later I found out he was cheating on me when I was away.. It was so hard to know that I was carrying a part of him around and he dident even care.

I took a break from trucking when I was six months pregnant to my sons 1st birthday then it was back to trucking but this time I wasnt alone I had my one year old baby boy Kale Kenneth with me along with the german shepard AXEL I had gotton while I was living at home.

Axel was a major part of my life and became very attached to my son on the road. One night I pulled into a truck stop in southern Montana to get fuel. I had to go in a pay and I left Axel and Kale in the truck with the doors locked and the driver window open. While I was getting ready to pay I heard a loud scream come from outside and it didnt hit me until Axel bolted into the little store and grabbed my arm dragging me out to the truck where a man with a gun laid at the running board of my truck with the door open and kale screaming inside.

The man was bloody which I assumed was because of Axel ripping him apart for trying to get in the truck. Had Axel not been there my truck and baby would be gone or dead.. To this day Axel is still with us gaurding his best friend and me and of course the truck which I had named after him just days after the attack Kale is now 3 and loves trucking with his momma!

His first word was Axel and his second was truck. I miss my family all the time I miss not seeing them as much as I want but this is what iv always wanted to drive the open road with the boys and the few women that are out there

I respect those women everyday. And I know what it's like for all you wives and girlfriends out there but just remember with out trucks America would come to a stop..

My favorite song that always helps with the pain of being away from my current boyfriend is the song "asphalt cowboy" by Jason aldean it reminds me that it may be sad to leave but when I get home it's rewarding and it gives me a sense of self confidence..

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Nov 15, 2010
by: chanda

hi thank you for your story. im the wife of a trucker with a 7 year old girl . i wnet on the road for aweek with my trucker. had my eyes opened to what you truckers deal with on a daily basis. it is a rough industry out there for truckers. i hope you and your son stay safe out on the road. hope you have a very happy holiday. you can keep in touch with me if you want at

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