Not easy to be a truckers wife

by Penny

Where do I begin? We met online. After talking for a couple of months on the computer and the phone, we decided he should come here for a visit. He was very polite, kind, and funny. We married after about 2 years.

We have now been married for 12 rocky years. He lied about almost everything and I didn't find any of it out until after the fact. I found out some pretty bad things and he told me some pretty bad things but they happened in the past. I am a forgiving person so I told him what happened in the past is in the past.

Turns out that's not always true. He cheated on me a couple of years ago with a woman he had met online. He said it was my fault of course because he can't talk to me. Yeh, you can't talk to me when all you do is complain and whine about working. I had no idea that anything was wrong.

He wants to stop driving long distance so he just found some woman that said he could shack up with her and find a job somewhere there in Maryland. He had also been texting 2 other women but oh yeh I'm the problem. What the hell? I try to be the Godly way, so I did take him back after he said he didn't realize what he was losing. But now there are so many times that he starts being a jackass.

I lost job due to a plant closure so I am going to college. He was 100% behind that idea and said don't worry about anything. I will take care of it. He has not made enough for us to keep the bills paid on time and get mad when I say something about the bills. I am just supposed to keep my mouth shut unless I am going to be a cheerleader or something because he is so stressed.

I take 6 classes a semester trying to graduate early so I can get a decent job and he can retire early but that doean't matter to him. I am still the ungrateful, oh wait a minute. Last night he characterized me as HARD.Because he said he was going to start coming home every two weeks and I said we couldn't afford that because I am still in college.

I have a son who has seizures and other medical conditions, take 6 classes, have to take care of everything here and when he IS here, he sits on the couch watching TV saying what an awful husband he is because he isn't going anywhere with me. I also have fibromyalgia, scoliosis, and degenerative disc disease. But, hey, he is the one with all the problems because he doesn't like driving a truck and I don't understand how hard it is on him.

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Jul 15, 2016
Has nothing do to with being a trucker NEW
by: Ice_Mystic

He's just an a$$, get out now, talk to your school about doing some of your courses on line explain your situation they may help you. Talk to your Dr. about some kind of disability compensation. Pack your stuff take your son and leave. He does not appreciate or honor you, he will do whatever it is you will let him do. It has nothing to do with being a trucker, that is just a job, it doesn't excuse or justify his behavior.

Apr 23, 2014
you are correct NEW
by: Anonymous

It is hard to be a truckers wife....

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