Not sure how I feel with my husband going long hall...

by Krissy Ridd
(Richer Mb Canada)

My husband is doing his course for getting his class one. and he has a contract for him to be going long hall for 2 years. we have 3 young children 10 month 4 and 5 year old. and I am trying so hard to be supportive and not let him him on these feelings but im having a hard time being OK with him being gone for a long period of time.

i also HATE where my thoughts are going in this but you hear horror stories of drivers finding `comfort`on the road and that scares me...
im a stay at home mom and we live int he country so im already caged in with 3 young kids and our finances are not the greatest hence the reason why hes doing this...

im just feeling very conflicted

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Jun 28, 2013
never bottle up what you feel NEW
by: Anonymous

If you keep your feelings to yourself you are breaking down the lines of communication in your relationship. You are already on the road to creating damage to that relationship. If you continue to hide your feelings they will build up to anger eventually. Bottled up anger can be dangerous. I suggest counseling before this relationship goes south.

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