Older trucker starting out

by Kelvin
(Long Beach, CA)

I'm 62 years old and had a chance to go to truck driving school. I went to school and got my cdl.

My question is, being that I'm 62, but in reasonably goo health how would it be out on the road for me?

The school I went to just taught the basics about trucking and we were taught in a 5 speed and not a 10 speed. Now after i get my cdl I'm learning on a 10 speed and it's like almost learning all over again.

Will it take long to learn. I have so many questions man. But if you can answer these I would definitely appreciate it. Peace.


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Dec 17, 2013
Learning the ropes NEW
by: Hervy

Kelvin, there is nothing out there that should cause you many problems if you are in good health.

Learning the 10 speed shouldn't be a problem if you learned the 5. Just more gears. How long depends on how quickly you catch on. I can't tell you how long it will take.

You biggest challenge might be actually getting a job. Call around to a lot of trucking companies and see how they respond.

I really commend you for being willing to tackle new adventures Kelvin. Hope things work out for you.

If you have more questions post them.

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