On long trips are you able to bring your spouse or pet?

by drewkrys
(Ontario, Canada)

I've been looking into this field for quite some time now, and the only actual obstacle that I, and I'm assuming a myriad of other people either have, and/or are curious about would be whether or not it's against and unwritten rule against bringing your spouse, and/or a pet with you on long trips?

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May 03, 2012
Policy usxpress NEW
by: Zach

at us xpress you can have 1 dog or 1 cat, there is a pet maintenance fee of 500 dollars taken out of your check at 50 dollars a week, there is also a 10 a week charge. I believe the charge for passenger is 25 dollars a week 10yrs or older. Its a great company with lots of routes and good benefits. Hoe this helps

Feb 06, 2012
re: passengers NEW
by: drewkrys

That's really interesting to know. Thank you! I've got a dog that I couldn't imagine leaving alone, or with someone else for any longer than a day, but I wouldn't have a problem bringing him with me on longer trips, and leaving him home on day runs. My parents both own businesses, along with owning rental homes so I wouldn't want to put any other load bearing chores on their already tremendous lists of duties.
I suppose if this is my only issue, than I should probably come up with an alternative approach to this.

Feb 06, 2012
Company policy... NEW
by: Anonymous

It just depends on your companies policy. Where my husband works he can have someone go with him but he had to wait 6 months and pay 25.00 a week for their rider fee which convers the insurance if a accident occurs. I have gone several times. But his company does not allow anyone under the age of 14.

The company he works for has company drivers and owner operators. Company drivers are not allowed pets. Owner operators are allowed to have a animal up to 15lbs.

My husband does prefer when I go with him. But we have one younger child left at home which does not make it possible for me to go with him all the time. But we look forward to this summer.

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