On the road again...

by Bobbi

My Hubby with Angel

My Hubby with Angel

I have been with my husband for 11 years now. When we were both 21 he decided to get his CDL while I went to school to get my CNA. That was the hardest time in my life, I left Ky for Va, and he left for Mo. I thought for sure that was it, the end of us, after 7 years.

Everyone told me long distance relationships never worked, but they were wrong. We stayed strong and devoted to each other.

It was very, very hard. Some days I couldn't get out of bed, I was so lonely and depressed. I started having anxiety attacks and not to mention that I ran our cell phone bills sky high! It was a horrible time for both of us, I tried to stay supportive because he truly loved it.

After I finished school, I decided one day I didn't want to be a nurse and I told him to come pick me up and that was when I went on the road with him for the first time. It was exciting, nerve wrecking, and beautiful all at the same time.

I learned so much, about maps and directions, paper logs, and lets not forget about the truck stops! lol

Thankfully we didn't have kids then, just our furbaby! The living quarters were cramped and we saw way too many subways too count, but when you wake up somewhere in Colorado too the sun coming up. You felt at peace. I have been all over the U.S with my husband, we are only 25 years old, and yet we have been to Cali., Vegas, NYC, and so many more places!

For all those that are just learning, it will get better! Just remember that he is doing it for your well being, and that your love is strong enough to withstand it! Just FYI my hubby is addicted and loves traveling now.

If you don't have children then take a ride and see what his life is all about everyday, you might surprise yourself and find out you love it too!

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Mar 21, 2010
Hervy said it well!
by: Jennifer S

First bobbi,

let me welcome you to Life as a Trucker. I am very glad you found us. It is so hard to find the "positive" relationships" in the trucking industry anymore.

It is, as we most all know, a hazard of the occupation- divorce.

It takes a strong man, and an even stronger woman to keep the home fire's burning, and the communication first and foremost in the relationship.

Have you joined the facebook yet? We have a great group of women, and we continue to grow. We started (I believe back in November) We have almost 100 members now!

There is always room for more!

Join us at


Hope to see you there.


Mar 17, 2010
truckers and wife 11yrs and counting
by: Hervy

That's a beautiful thing Bobbi,
love to see those numbers rack up for any married couple but it's especially cool for a trucking couple.

Can't be anything but true love and dedication in that with just the right personality combination.
You are a lucky couple. Of course I know there was plenty of hard work involved too.

I can already tell your attitude was a definite asset to the relationship too. I hope many women will pick up on that.

Seems both of you are pretty lucky, thanks for posting a glimpse of what being a trucker's wife as like in your world. Feel free to give more tips and techniques for staying happy and strong in the relationship if you want.


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