on the road again.....is the days of the longhaul over?

by Billy Harrington

I started driving n 2007 n drove for 2 years. I had to take few years off(wife said it was my turn to stay home with kids). I recently started back up with a large company.

It has been 1 nightmare after another with these guys. I am a solo longhaul driver.It is what im good at and enjoy doing. Is the day of the longhaul over?

Or did i just choose the wrong company?

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May 05, 2015
long hauls not dead NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey I second the motion..Our company averages 1100-1500 miles per week. I drove for them for 6 mthd then he sold me a truck...income doubled...

May 05, 2015
long hauls not dead NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey I second the motion..Our company averages 1100-1500 miles per week. I drove for them for 6 mthd then he sold me a truck...income doubled...

Nov 21, 2012
How to choose the right trucking company NEW
by: Hervy

Billy, you have chosen the wrong trucking company.


For sure, days of the long haul is not over. There are plenty of trucking companies that will run you from coast to coast if that is what you want to do.

There are other carriers that will also run you to all places in between.

Richmond Va is a pretty good location and you should be able to find the type of trucking company with with type of job that suits you.

Make sure you have a sit down with someone there at your company and let them know what type of running you would like to do.

See if there is something that can be done differently that is more suitable to your needs. If they are not trying to hear it, maybe you and the company are not a good fit.

Look a little harder at other opportunities in your spare time. Here are some leads
Long haul trucking jobs in Richmond Va

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