One more lonely girl

by Dawn

My fiancé and I have been together for three years. Of those three years we have slept in the same bed each night. We fell in love at first sight, and have been so deeply in love ever since.

One year ago when my grandmother passed away; he and I adopted my teenaged sister. I hope I was nothing like her when I was younger.

He left today for at least 3 months with NO home time; and while I am pretending he is at his 7-3 job, it's getting harder.

The sun has set and it's almost time to crawl into bed. Watching him get on the bus this morning for training was the hardest thing my sister and I have ever had to do. I miss him so much already.

I wish I could have gone with him but an aspiring Surgical Nurse has no place being on the road. I know things are going to be hard, but j know and trust that I have a GREAT man out there on the road

Every time I go to buy something I am going to wonder whose husband, father, son, or grandfather has brought that item to me.

Thank you all for your sacrifice and welcoming me to the inner circle with open arms. I will be sleeping with his shirt on tonight; I hope you all rest easy.

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Jul 16, 2012
Yep its hard NEW
by: Anonymous

Sorry to hear of your grandmas passing this must have been hard for you and sis. Stay strong and keep living life to the fullest your hands will be filled once you begin work in your profession. Wow a surgical nurse!! Be proud.

God Bless

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