o/o custom trucks

by David
(Manit, Utah)

I have been a law enforcement officer for some time and want to get back behind the wheel. Being a professional "RVer" is more rewarding than being yelled at all day. My question concerns custom sleepers. I will be purchasing a truck in the near future and have inquired into such a sleeper birth. They seem to be more convenient but how much more economical (if any)are they. I have a young family and would like to take them with me during the summer. But need to be sure that I can still support the family financially.

The website has been informative and encouraging. Thank you.

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Aug 21, 2008
Owner Operator Custom Trucks and Sleepers
by: The Crazy Trucker

Hello David,

Those big sleeper definitely will be convenient for you with your family and from a logical standpoint I can see it being cost effective with the generator and all the amenities you will have to eliminate the need for buy food inside the truck stops.

I built a page with some footage I took of a real nice sleeper at the Iowa Jamboree. It's by ARI and they have a pretty good reputation for these things. Wasn't planning on putting it up yet but since you was interested in sleepers I went ahead and got the footage together.

The only thing is these things are like 200,000 (Of, course you don't have to go all out)

The key is leasing to a company that pays well enough to justify the expenditure. The best way to do that will be to specialize in some area of hauling like household or hauling heavy equipment.

I don't know how much experience you had before but if it wasn't with the last year of continuous driving a lot of companies act like its of no value which we both know is an excuse they use to pay you less.

I don't know if that will keep you from going to a company that specializes or not though.

I would visit the nearest large truck stop to you and kind talk to the drivers you see with those big sleepers and see who they driver for and what the requirements are.

Hope this helped some man.

Oh that page on the site is big truck sleepers, i will link to the site at the video.

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