otr trucker looking for any work in nj or any were
i have a robbery charge from 2005 and just want to work and take care of my family i just got my cdl in 2012 my numb is 201 759 8783 im in nj
Response: Man, it has gotten tougher. They especially don't like that charge. Since it has been over 5 years you might have a chance.
More so if you have done some positive things since then to point at which will show that you are totally different type of person.
If you like taking to kids to to public man, while you are waiting to find a job, see if there is a local organization that gets people to talk to the youth or something about life, choices, mistakes, etc. you get the idea.
This will help them to avoid the pain while also help you get back in the game of life quicker.
You know how it goes man, first thing anybody will look at is the charge. If will be good if you can say yeah but, I also did this and that is what I am doing now.
The local and smaller companies are where you will have your best luck. Ask all of the people that you know and see if the know anyone that knows someone who is able to hire drivers.
Getting a job on a dock or as a driver helper may be what you have to do until you can get a job as a driver with that same company after putting in some time there.
Plus furniture delivery and furniture rental places might be able to offer you a job.
Wont hurt to check and see.
Best of luck, keep your head up.