over weight ticket

can you lose your cdl for over weight ticket in the state of oregon.and do you get points on you record for these

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Nov 02, 2015
It depends on so many things
by: Anonymous

Typically: "No"

What were you hauling?

How much were you overweight?

Overgross also I assume?

Was it Hazmat?

Was it precariously loaded?

Was all the weight concentrated solely on one or two axles? (For example, did someone put a pile of 15,000 lbs on the end of your trailer?

What did the bill of lading say?

Did you check-weigh>?

Was the trailer pre-loaded and secured so that you could not inspect it?

A typical overweight fine is usually a State issue, but with all of the other considerations above, it could very well become a Federal fine and you would most certainly end up in a Supreme Court with an attorney.

Your company should pay on this fine if there was any control that was taken from you, or if the people who loaded it take some responsibility by preloading, securing, and then putting the total weight on the bill of lading.

If it's that much of an overweight ammount, I've seen these fines skyrocket into tens of thousands of dollars.

So, in essence, you need to be more specific. The information is out there, you just have to be able to find it, and no matter what, go to court, ESPECIALLY if this all lands on your shoulders.

COntact the shipper with an attorney. You will probaly lose the account but you never know.

The whole thing could drag on for years.

As far as the actual loss of your license, I highly doubt it, but you could be terminated if it was your fault.

Overweight fines can be perceived many ways especially when the officers take the "what if" approach. For example, "what if you had blown a tire, broken the floor of your trailer, lost your brakes... etc. etc. "

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