by Rodney
(Myrtle Beach SC)
on US-27 in Florida and have bearing seal go bad on my lowboy, Ta tech i'll called shows up, not able to fixed on side of road,( actual sitting a turning lane) call office to inform them that i'm taking it to TA shop for repairs which is on I-4 which is off route by 35 miles, no other repair shop near by, get stop at weight station at exit 15 on I-4, explain problem to officer and tech tell him we are going to repair shop to fix trailer, get an 31 dollars ticket for overweight but not one for being off route( show officer my permit paper) after having done, get back to home office and told that i was let go for going off route, it's a damn brake down, no longer heading to drop off but repairs. was I right in moving it repairs or should i wait for new permits to get it to repair shop? Remember Florida DOT did not give me a ticket for that.