Overweight tickets overdue license suspended can't work no I.D

by Dwayne West

How can I get some help. I can't even get a regular I.D because of the fear of being arrested only to be released still owing the tickets with no end insight.

If I could get an I.D. I could at least find work (2 jobs) and clear this problem. I feel like an undocumented worker in my own country. Instead of getting deported I'm jailed and treated like a criminal and told to go get arrested again so the state can continue to profit.

Please Please help I don't know what else to do. Dwayne West ( Flat bedder, American citizen, Texan).

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Jul 18, 2015
Find out for sure
by: Hervy

Don't assume. Find out for sure what you need to do next. There may be a pathway to resolution that you are not aware of because you are avoiding the situation instead of working through it.

At the end of the day, if the inevitable next action is for you to turn yourself in. It's better to do what you need to do instead of being scared to do anything.

You likely won't be locked up but just served papers, if you voluntarily get your business taken care of.

Don't be a victim. Take charge of the situation that you find yourself in. (yes that might also include pain) Then figure out how to avoid being in the situation again.

Best wishes friend.

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