Owner Operators For TV Show

by Hervy

Casting Call for Owner Operator Flyer

Casting Call for Owner Operator Flyer

Cornwell Casting is searching for TRUCKERS & TRUCKER COUPLES (MAN/ WOMAN), THAT TRANSPORT/SHIP ITEMS ACROSS THE COUNTRY for an exciting documentary TV show. We are looking for dynamic, over the top, outgoing truckers (in their 20’s - 40s) from anywhere in the country to showcase on an adventurous TV series. BIG characters desired!

Potential candidates must be INDEPENDENT transporters that own & operate their own transport company (short or long haul), have active DOT/MC Authority and own a truck and trailer preferred.

If anyone has ever said to you,“You should have your own TV show!” this is your chance! Previous television experience NOT necessary.

To submit yourself for consideration please fill out our online application at: https://ccasting.wufoo.com/forms/trucker-casting/

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Oct 16, 2017
Joe Denney NEW
by: Tyler coffey

Hey there ive recently heard about the new casting and i just wanted to say i dont think theres a better truck driver out there then the one and only Joe Denney hes been on the road for 45 years and counting has over five and ahalf million miles road experience and he's not shy of a camera you should go and check out his Facebook page @ https://www.facebook.com/jdenney3 he has over 10,000 followers and has been cost to cost it's the people like him that really get the job done you can reach him it Joe@denneytruckingllc.com he lives Chrome Shop Mafia for life. Hope to hear from you soon. KEEP'on TRUCK'in

Oct 16, 2017
Trucker NEW
by: Jack quillen

Hey I hear your looking for colorful owner operators. Since I got colon cancer and surgery iam out of it. But got an old friend from Missouri named Joe Denney. I've known Joe Denney for over 25 years. Trust me

Sep 22, 2015
myeasyessaywriting NEW
by: Anonymous

With the passage of time we see there are lots of people which are showing their interest into media life. Yesterday i were reading article on http://www.myeasyessaywriting.com/ website. This website describe the technology in very great meaning with strong words and examples.

Jul 12, 2015
john NEW
by: Aleena

It is delightful to read this post and i get many useful point through this post. Please keep posting such kind of post brook hill.

Dec 25, 2013
owner NEW
by: Tony

I would love too have my TV show.. thanks

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