oxford pa experienced driver

by brandon
(oxford pa)

Hi my name is Brandon. I am 29yrs old and I have had my class a license since 2010 and before that I've had a b class license when I was 18 yrs old.

I did go to Allstate careers school for the trucking industry. I did very well and made student of the month. The hardest thing right out of school was finding a company who would take a new driver.

It took me awhile but I did ring a small company who I did drive for, Idk if they actually put me on their insurance or not because they only rented their trucks from penalize.

I drove locally over nights up to ny jk MD from pa and was home every day. I loved it but sadly this company went out of service. It's been a while and now I can't find anyone whose insurance that will take me in pa.

I am wanting to move to MD. Please contact me at 484-542-7579 if you're interested in hiring me to drive for you.
Oxford Pa truck driving jobs

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Jun 15, 2014
Do you have NEW
by: Anonymous

If you have a log book from when you drove for them then you have prove of driving experience some companies well take that

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