Pamela t bigtime's wife

by pamela c todd
(shelby NC)

I'm a 50 year old wife of a trucker. We have two children and 5 grandchildren and have been married for 30 years. My husband has been in the business for thirty plus years. Being a wife of a trucker is a challenge in itself but if you keep the lines of communication open it can be great.

Raising children can be hard if you're a single parent but raising children with a spouse on the road can be hard. One thing about my husband is that the job doesn't come before his family.

No matter what came up he always made sure he could be there for us as soon as he possibly could. Our family is our first priority and as long as we maintain a sense of family we came manage the fact that he's on the road providing a good life for us.

The trucking industry doesn't always recognize the importance of the family unit and that sometimes puts a wedge been a husband or wife and can end in a family divided. They say" a happy wife a happy life" but in trucking that's a hard thing to do because of the time apart.

So the time you spend together when he arrives home is special spend it making each other as happy as the time you have before he goes back on the road is priceless and will make your family stronger.

Finally, after many year of learning how to cope and raising our kids in the trucking industry we have finally we are at a place where we are happy and God's has our family in his hands.

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Feb 09, 2017
Work Life Balance Between Trucker Job and Family
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing Pamela. That sentence, "Work doesn't come before family."

It's tricky for a lot of truck drivers. Yours seem to have a good perspective that balances the need for income with the needs of a relationship.

Congrats on 30 years of marriage. I bet your husband is also a great role model on the highways for other truckers.

Thanks for coming through and sharing with us on lifeasatrucker and the trucking industry at large.

From fellow Carolinian,

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