Panther Expedited experience

by Jersey Dan
(Rock Hill, SC)

Rated: 4. Panther is not the same Panther as before 2006! If the dispatchers are talking, they're lying. They have large orientation classes at least 3 times EVERY week, to replace the many drivers who leave.

Good example: a dispatcher called me w/ a 2300 mile load delivering to Washington state, @ $1.65 per mi. Sounds good unless you know there's no return freight to bring you East of I-35!

By the time you get back East, a team will spend all they earned & more!

Panther also over-hires to be sure they have a truck in the area to make THEIR money from, but could care even less that drivers too often sit for days waiting on their next load.

I've never met a Panther driver, who told me they favor Panther; all speak of being in progress of finding a better company. Only thing I liked about Panther is their logo.

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Feb 12, 2017
Check out all opportunities first
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing your experience. You definitely need to check out companies first before driving for them.

One reason I always recommend drivers to run a year before going owner op is to learn freight lanes.

That situation is not one that only occurs at Panther. Some places are hard to get out of with good pay. (Like southern Florida during some times of the year.)

Also some carriers lack freight in certain areas just because that doesn't have freight shippers in that area.

As far as what you spend on the road, learn how to minimize that here Cost of driving over the road.

There are ways to minimize your expenses over the road. If you are talking about fuel, that is a known and fixed expense of doing business.

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