Paperless Log Books

by Jimmy V

I'm hearing that a lot of the truck companies are using paperless log book is that true? If so what are they using then?

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Sep 16, 2009
High tech society invades the trucking industry.
by: Jimmy

Yeah, Werner has been using them about 6 years. Prime is testing them right now. There are other companies as well. I've heard that the Feds can now cross check Q-Comm with paper logs when doing an audit. It is coming to paperless logs, more sooner than later. Jimmy

Sep 16, 2009
Using Paperless logs
by: Eugene

Werner was one of the first to utilize the paperless log book system, and the reason was money. The government paid Werner to test drive the pilot program. I never used them myself, but have heard from some of their former drivers that they are more trouble than they are worth. Lot of bugs yet to be worked out.

Sep 16, 2009
Paperless logs
by: Hervy

Jimmy V, what's happening man. Paperless logs are becoming more and more common.

Dot really wants all companies to use them.

Take a guess what it is.......

ok I will tell ya, computerized man. Qual Comm and other computer systems have software tied in to your truck's every move. The computer pretty much fills out the times you stop and everything. There are different systems being used.

Some require more driver input than others.

Werner I think was one of the first companies to use paperless logs.

I never really used them so I can't get too specific with how it works but I think some companies are set up where the drivers just keys in times when he or she is about to change duty status for each day and the computer does the rest.

The companies probably just download the information and print out logs on forms or they may store it on the office computer in digital form don't really know.

But I do know that D.O.T. wants this to be the standard and if you haven't figured it out, this would not be fun for truckers because that's a lot of details for any time a truck drivers is in an incident. They could go back find an discrepancy in the log and use it against you.

with this there is capability for full tracking and monitoring and getting as petty as anyone wants to get from surveillance to investigation for litigation or litigation prevention say if someone else is in fault, not the trucker and the trucker is seeking damages. They could look until they found the smallest things (in theory).

Personally, if you can't tell, I don't like it.

Well, it's like this. Paperless logs should be a good thing. But look around and all the other things that are backwards in society.

Organizations that were created to do good.
Our police are always made villains.
Parents can't discipline their kids or social service will be called.
God is being pushed out of school and government.
Doctors can't give the best cost effective treatment for fear of litigation.
Parents rights of their kids are being dictated
so I don't trust things with that can be easily abused or misused by the hands of others who may have lots of incentive and little moral.

(In other words regardless of who really is responsible for causing an accident, a lawyer WILL take a case and use the electronic information to win for his client with not regard to whether the log violation really had something to do with the incident or not. Money alone is the motive. Trucker S.O.L.)

Maybe I am paranoid! LOL

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