pay for hauling reefers with CR England

by Doug M errills
(cc, texas)

C.R. England has Reefers, they start at 26 cents a that about right for a guy just starting out .(OTR)?????

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Jul 05, 2008
The Average Pay for 1st year in trucking
by: The Crazy Trucker

Hello Doug,

At .26 cents per mile and if you run at least 2500 miles per week (hopefully you will get more most weeks) that will put you at $650 per week, which is $2600 per month, which is $31,200 per year.

$31,000 is with in the average range of what you should expect starting out driving. Starting out a company running reefers will also be a plus for you as opposed to just running regular dry van.

You may find a company that will pay you more (or say that they will pay you more) but you should consider these things when comparing companies to select from:

How solid are they? You know, how long have they been around. Don't forget the economy. You don't really want to be part of a start up right now unless of course you could handle things if you suddenly found yourself without a job.

How much freight do they have? If they pay more but you sit more than you run it may not matter.
So find out the average miles per week.

Where do they run frequently? This may play a significant part in how often you get home.

Then ask straight up. How often will I get to go home? or. . .
How long do your company keep the drivers out on the road?

CR England Been around a while so its probably good to be checking them out as an option. To make sure of your choice though stop by your nearest truck stop and ask them the same questions I suggested that you ask the company themselves and see what the driver says his (or her) experience has been with them.

Hope that helped, sorry it took so long. Busy week!

The Crazy Trucker

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