Pennsylvania ex driver with 3 year old dui in a car last drove 2010

by Adam may
(Connellsville pa)

I'm looking to get back out there am 41 had a dui in 2012 but after all the ard and restoration record says February 2014.

I have an 8 year old son been loading treks at my factory job for 5 years now need to provide for my family and I'm willing to b retrained by a professional driver

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Apr 02, 2017
by: Anonymous

If you graduate from a cdl school, TransAm will hire you.
Carolina Logistics has their own cdl school and will probably hire you.

Apr 01, 2017
Better off
by: Anonymous

Not trying to find a driver that you don't personally know... like a friend

Anyone who puts you behind the wheel of a/their bigrig is going to take issue with your past

Insurance Premiums are so stinkin high that you wouldnt likely even be covered

even if you didn't make a mistake and someone else caused an accident while you were driving, your past will make you the criminal, even if you test clean

My suggestion: Find a large trucking company that hires drivers with past DUI's (very few do, but more and more are these days) depends on "0" tolerance and their insurance carrier

A larger company will be self-insured, and they can put you in a rig with a trainer. You would likely be over the road (OTR)... so with your 8 year old son.. well, that could be an issue

A lot of people don't realize how difficult it is to be qualified with a CMV these days, and the regs are only getting tougher; hence the 'shortage' of qualified drivers out here

apply everywhere possible. Be up front about your DUI.... did you take all your classes, etc., etc.,

do you still drink?

They will want to know

You will also be sent to an MRO that will likely do hair follicle testing

If you've been squeaky clean, I'd think you'd have a chance

If not, I'd find another means of income

Trucking these days is an unforgiving profession and its only gonna get worse before it gets better

Good luck

Mar 31, 2017
Trucking school is probably best option
by: Hervy

Adam see if a community college near you has a CDL training program. That will likely work out best for you.

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